Student Test-Booking and Accommodations
Welcome to the Student Test-Booking Wizard module. At this time, you can use this module to:
- Schedule a mid-term test (All exams scheduled through Friday, May 9- even if your instructor considers it your 'final exam'.)
- Schedule a quiz
- Schedule a final exam (All exams administered May 13 - May 16)
- You may view upcoming appointments and exams with our office in the 'My upcoming events' tab.
Final Exam Scheduling: Final exams in the Testing Center WILL BE scheduled to coincide with when your class is scheduled to take their final exam. Alternate dates/times will be approved in very limited circumstances, based on your accommodations and alternative options available in your specific course.
If you need to schedule a make-up test or schedule your midterm test on a day different than your class (always assuming this is approved by your Instructor) due to illness, travel, sports, etc, the Test-Booking Wizard may not be your best option. Please email your exam request to and include:
- The name of the course,
- Your instructor's name,
- The date and/or time you need to take the test,
- The date the class took or will take the test
- The reason for the alternate date
Please click the Schedule a test, mid-term or quiz or Final Exam link in the menu, or choose the menu option that you would like to use.